Stay in the Middle

Stay in the Middle
In order to be a powerful World ChangHer, you have to recognize your position.
In that moment, see the opportunity, evaluate the course of action and weigh the consequences.
Ask yourself, “Am I GRITTY enough?” and “How bad do I want it?”
The MIDDLE is the best stage of development. It’s when you’re too far to turn back and too close to quit!
The shift will empower you so accept that position.
It demands Excellence.
I know it’s in you because you are a World ChangHer!
I’m a mover…I am a verb and so are you.
Keep shifting with me.
Consistently Disrupting You,
Click here to Listen to Stay in the Middle

Written by Somalia Brown
Somalia Brown is a wife, mother, author, motivational speaker, and most importantly a World ChangHer. She is ‘The Disruptor’. Somalia disrupts everything and anything concerning you.
Her mandate – to train others to become World ChangHers & DisruptHers and prevent deaths in relationships, both earthly and spiritual, by empowering those to dismantle the “old ways of doing things,” in life and within their relationship with God.
She morphs your spiritual walk from stagnated to accelerated, unlocks your authoritative voice, and increases your spiritual sensitivity, as you assume your rightful position of power.